Questions about Substack for the generally curious.
Frequently Asked Questions
Substack Android App FAQs
- How can I select which notifications to receive on the Substack Android app?
- How do I unsubscribe from a publication on the Android app?
- How do I cancel my paid subscription on the Android app?
- How do I edit my profile on the Android app?
- What does Archive mean on the Android app?
- How do I view a paid post on the Substack Android app?
- See all 8 articles
Substack iOS App FAQs
- Can my readers pay for subscriptions on the Substack iOS app?
- Will I still get emails if I have the Substack iOS app?
- How do I subscribe to a new Substack on the Substack iOS app?
- How can I view a paid post on the Substack iOS app?
- What does Archive mean on the Substack iOS app?
- Can I pick and choose which publication I want to receive app notifications about?
- See all 10 articles
Standards & Enforcement
- How can I filter spam to my Substack address?
- How do I host my own Terms of Service or Privacy Policy?
- How do I report a direct message to Substack?
- How do I report a chat to Substack?
- How do I report a chat thread to publication authors and admins?
- How do I report a publication to Substack?
- See all 34 articles
Substack Data Privacy
- What can I find in the Substack Privacy section?
- How does Substack comply with Data Regulations?
- Is Substack a data controller or a data processor?
- I have a large email list and I’m concerned about the GDPR. How can I safely and lawfully import it to Substack?
- How do I contact Substack if I want to exercise my privacy rights?