Will I still get emails if I have the Substack Android app?

On the Substack Android app, you can choose to receive push notifications about new posts, receive email newsletters, or receive notifications about new posts both via push and email.

Tap your profile picture and select Settings.


Select "Notifications" from the menu and your notifications settings page will appear.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 7.09.36 PM.png

I want to receive email newsletters and not push notifications from the Substack Android app– what can I do?

If you're not receiving email newsletters, it's possible that when you downloaded the Substack app, you selected "Smart notifications". With smart notifications, you'll primarily receive push notifications about new posts in the app and may receive email notifications about posts you've missed if you haven't opened the Substack app in a while.

To resume email delivery, tap your profile picture on the Substack app and select Settings.


On Settings, tap Notifications and scroll to the Newsletter Delivery section. Tap "Prefer email". New posts will now be delivered via email and can be read directly in your email provider or in Inbox on the Substack app.

Email Android.jpg

  • If you'd prefer to receive both email newsletters and push notifications, tap the "Both email and push" option,
  • If you'd prefer to only receive push notifications from the app, tap "Prefer push". If push delivery fails, posts may resume sending via email.
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