How do I paywall my archive of free posts on Substack?

Add a paywall to all of your old posts in just a few steps.

Navigate to your publication's Settings page and click on Payments in the left navigation bar.

Where it says "Auto-paywall after", enter a number and time period when you'd like your posts to no longer be available to free subscribers. Then click on "Save".

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 16.17.11.png

Your archive of free posts will automatically be locked and free subscribers or new readers will see a paywall.


To remove the paywalls, head back to the "Paywall your archives" section and uncheck the box next to the time period picker and select "Remove paywalls".

Note: Posts that were individually paywalled before the use of this setting i.e. you inserted a paywall yourself will remain paywalled.

To exclude a post from the paywalled archive and make it available to free subscribers and new readers, follow these steps:

1. On a paywalled post, click on the three dots next to a post and select "Edit Post".

2. In the post editor page, select Settings at the bottom.

3. Click on "Remove paywall" and the post audience will automatically change to "Everyone".


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