How do I add a poll to a Substack post?

Follow these steps to add a poll to your post:

1. From the post editor toolbar, click on "More" and select "Poll" from the drop-down menu.

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2. Once the poll template appears in the draft post, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner to enter the requested details such as how long the poll will last and who can vote. There's also an option to hide the total vote count from readers.


Who can vote on a poll?

  • By default, only your subscribers can vote- this includes both paid and free subscribers. 
  • If you'd like to restrict a poll to only paying readers, select from the drop-down menu, "Only paid subscribers".
  • As a publication author, contributor, or admin, you can also vote on a poll by selecting, "Show options". This link is only visible to you.

3. Your subscribers will be able to vote and see the results of the poll immediately. Results are also visible after a poll closes.

Poll results are visible to you, contributors, and admins by clicking on "Show results" on the poll. However, if you, a contributor, or an admin has individually voted on a poll or if the poll is closed, the "Show results" option will not appear for that individual.

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Note: If a non-subscriber tries to vote on a poll, they'll be prompted to enter their email address and subscribe to your publication.

At this time, there can only be one vote for one option on a poll and votes cannot be changed. If you'd like to edit a poll after a post has been published, click on the pencil icon on the poll in your draft post. Editing a poll will remove all the existing votes.

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