How do I make changes to a reader's subscription on Substack?

Navigate to your Subscribers tab and locate the subscriber by entering their email address in the Search bar:

Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 11.52.13 AM.png

Click on the three dots next to their name and select "Edit Subscription":

Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 11.47.04 AM.png

For a paying subscriber

  • Turn off auto-renew: their paid subscription will end after their current billing period.
  • Cancel subscription: cancel their subscription to issue a prorated or full refund and they'll be downgraded to a free subscriber.
  • Set to Founding: adds the Founding Tier to the subscriber's subscription.

To learn more about Substack's refund policy, read this article.

Remove from email list

Removing a free or paid subscriber from your email list will stop the subscriber from receiving any emails from your publication moving forward. For paying subscribers, their subscription will be canceled with a prorated refund.

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