What are the stars on my Subscribers dashboard?

The stars next to your subscriber's email on your Subscribers dashboard represent how actively the subscriber has used your publication in the last month; this includes email opens and web views.

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Note: These stars are not given by the publication's author i.e., these are not subscriber ratings, and you cannot give stars to your readers.

What does it mean when there are no stars?

A subscriber with zero stars has yet to open your email newsletters. 

This subscriber could be a new sign-up since your most recent post. Since they have not received a newsletter post since subscribing to your publication, their star status would be zero.

Another reason for zero stars could be the subscriber's mail app. Privacy features such as in Apple Mail prevent senders from knowing when a recipient opens an email.

What does it mean when a subscriber has five stars?

A subscriber with five stars is in the highest percentile (80th-100th) for days active on your publication relative to your other subscribers. More than likely, they have either read all or most of your posts.

Can I filter on my dashboard to see who has the least and most amount of stars?

Yes! To see a list of subscribers with 0-5 stars, click the "Filter" button, select the subscriber type, and then "Add a filter." Select "Activity" from the drop-down box and choose between 0-5 stars.



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