Substack leaderboards are designed so that publishers can find new subscribers and subscribers can find great publishers.
On the Browse page are a variety of categories where readers can click on what interests them and easily subscribe.
To explore a specific scene on Substack, such as sports, business, fiction, or politics, readers can click on category tabs at the top of their Home page on the Substack app and web. In each category tab, you can see the leaderboard of top publications for that category as well as a feed of notes and posts specific to that category.
How do I get on a leaderboard?
All categories except "Staff Picks" are automated based on a writer's performance on Substack with factors including the total number of paid subscribers.
Our leaderboards have always spotlighted publications that have found success through paid subscriptions. Subscribers are the most important, and with Recommendations, this cross-promotion tool helps writers directly endorse each other’s publications on Substack and gain new subscribers.
How can I find leaderboards for specific countries?
At Substack Around the World, you can select from more than 50 countries to see the top publications and posts in that country.
Top posts are based on readers in a specific country and top publications are based on the location of the publication or author.