How do I log into the Substack app? I haven't received the login email link.

For current subscribers

Enter the email address you use to subscribe to publications on Substack i.e. the same email address you receive newsletters at on the login screen, and we'll send you an email with a special sign-in link.


Tap the link once you get the Substack email, and you'll be automatically signed into the Substack app. This link can only be used once and will expire after one hour.

If you've already set up a password and would prefer to log in that way, click "Log in with password" on the Substack app login page and enter your email address and password.

For new readers

If you're new to Substack, you can just enter an email address you'd like to use to sign up for a Substack account for free. Once you sign into the app, you can create a profile and become a free subscriber to any publication you'd like.


I'm not seeing the login email link– what can I do?

If you're not receiving an email from Substack with the login link and have checked your Spam folder, it's possible that emails from Substack have been previously marked as spam, and your email provider has blocked us.

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