Can I receive emails to my Substack email address from my subscribers only?

To only receive emails from your subscribers to your Substack email address (, follow these two steps.

1. Head to your publication's Settings page and click on Community in the left navigation bar. Scroll to "Who can reply to your emails".

2. Select "Subscribers" from the dropdown box.

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 4.50.50 PM.png

Why would I change my settings?

If your email replies setting is currently set to "Everyone", then anyone can email you at your author alias.

There have been instances of email alias spoofing in which a spammer can send a message using your author alias (to a list of non-subscriber addresses the spammer has acquired outside of Substack). If you have your setting set to "Everyone", you may receive email replies from non-readers to a spam email that was sent by a spammer.

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