How do I delete my Substack account?

Need to delete your Substack account? We're sad to see you go but please follow the steps below:

For writers:

1. Log into your Substack account and head to your publication's Settings page.

2. Click on Danger Zone in the left navigation bar.

3. If you’re an author of a publication with paid subscriptions, you'll need to turn off paid subscriptions and disconnect your Stripe account first. 


4. After turning off paid subscriptions, click on "Delete publication" to confirm that this is truly what you'd like to do.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 19.48.22.png

Note: Using this self-deletion option will not automatically issue any refunds. If you need help disconnecting a Stripe account, please contact our Support team.

For readers:

1. Go to your account Settings page:

2. Scroll down to "Delete account" under Danger Zone.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 19.46.48.png

What will happen when I delete my account?

This self-deletion option will:

  • Delete all your data
  • Cancel all your subscriptions
  • Permanently erase all of your information except for anonymized analytics data and the limited records we require for regulatory, compliance, and security purposes

Please read our privacy policy for more information on how we use, retain, and delete your data. 

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