How do I move my podcast to Substack?

If you already have a podcast hosted elsewhere, you can import past episodes and create a new home on Substack for your podcast.

Walkthrough on how to move your podcast to Substack

To move an existing podcast:

  1. Click the Podcast tab on your Dashboard and click "Get Started".
  2. Select "Import an existing podcast." 
  3. Copy and paste your current RSS feed URL and click "Submit."
  4. Review the imported episodes and click "Import all episodes." 

Once imported, you can view your episodes on your Posts tab anytime.

Note: If you've already created a Podcast section, head to your Sections on your publication's Settings tab and click on the three dots to "Edit". Move an existing podcast RSS feed by clicking "Import a podcast".

What happens after I import my episodes?

After you've imported episodes to Substack, make sure to complete these two things: 

  • Submit your new feed link to podcast directories (this can help new listeners find your podcast).
  • Tell your previous podcast host to use your new feed link and redirect so your existing listeners can follow you (also commonly called a 301 permanent redirect).

You can find your Substack feed link by clicking Settings on your Podcast tab. Scroll to the Distribute your podcast section and see specific steps to submit your new link and redirect with your previous podcast host.

When you import your podcast to Substack, Substack becomes your podcast host. If you import a podcast archive to Substack, but then continue creating new episodes on your old hosting site, your Substack publication will not auto-populate with those new episodes.

How do I make changes to the details of my podcasts that appear on apps and players?

Details such as the show description, categories, and logo displayed in podcast apps and players come from what's on your Podcast Settings.

To change these details, click Settings on your Podcast tab.

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