How do I set up a paid publication?

After creating a publication:

1. Sign into your Substack account and navigate to your publication's Settings tab.

2. Select Payments in the left navigation bar and once in your Payments section, click on the button that says "Connect with Stripe".


3. You'll be taken to Stripe's website, where you'll fill out required details to start receiving payments. Learn more here on what information Stripe requires.

4. After you've returned to the Settings page, set a price for your monthly, yearly, and founding member plans.


Note: At this time, we do not offer a "yearly only" subscription plan.

A Founding member annual plan lets readers subscribe at any amount higher than the monthly and yearly plans. Learn more here on how to set up a subscription plan for Founding Members.

5. When you're ready, click on the toggle next to "Enable payments", which will make your paid subscriptions go live. Your readers won't see that you offer paid subscriptions until you check this box.

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