Substack will only send you live video notifications when someone you follow or subscribe to on Substack does a live video.
On your Substack account Settings page, you can control what notifications to receive about live video on Substack. On this page, you can select whether to enable or disable notifications as a subscriber or as an invited guest.
To stop receiving email notifications when someone you subscribe to starts a live video on Substack, slide the toggle next to “Live videos” to the left.
To customize who can invite you as a guest on their live stream select from the drop-down menu next to "Allow live video guest invites from". This also controls who can send you live video invite notifications:
- Everyone: Any Substack app user can send you an invite to join their live video
- People I follow or subscribe to: Only people you follow or subscribe to on Substack can send you an invite to join their live video
- No one: Being a guest on someone’s live video will be disabled and no one can send you an invite
To stop receiving email and push notifications when someone invites you to be a guest on their live video, slide the toggle next to “Live video guest invites” to the left.