How to do I hide my phone number or email on Stripe?

When you set up payments on Substack and connect to Stripe, Stripe will let you know that the customer support details you enter may be visible in payment statements, invoices, and receipts.

As the customer support phone number may be visible on payment statements such as credit cards, you may want to avoid using a personal phone number and enter a Google Voice number instead for extra privacy.

To edit your public support details such as hiding your phone number, you can follow these steps:


1. Sign into your Stripe account. At the top of your Stripe account, click Settings.

At the top of your Stripe account, click Settings

2. Click on Business and then select the Business details tab.

Click on Business

3. Scroll to the Public Details section and select "Edit". On the Public details page, you can change your customer support phone number, address, and email. You can also access this page directly at:

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4. To prevent your phone number from appearing on subscription invoices and receipts, click the toggle next to "Show phone number on receipts and invoices. If you see a blue toggle, this indicates that the phone number in this section will be visible on receipts and invoices. A gray toggle indicates that the phone number will be hidden.

Alternatively, instead of a personal number, you may enter a Google Voice number for extra privacy as your customer support phone number may appear in payment statements such as credit card statements. 

5. An address is mandatory, but you can set up a virtual mailbox for extra privacy or enter a business address.

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6. You can change your customer support email to your Substack alias here. We recommend using your Substack alias if you entered your personal email address during the Stripe onboarding.  

Tip: If you use your Substack email alias as the Stripe customer support email, make sure that "Who can reply to your emails" in your publication's Settings is set to "Everyone".   

7. Finalize the changes by selecting "Save".

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