How do I see who is subscribed to a section on my Substack publication?

If you've created sections on your Substack publication, you can find which readers are subscribed to each section using the subscriber dashboard.

1. On the Subscribers tab, scroll to the bottom of the page where all your subscribers are displayed.

2. Click on the "Filters" button and select "+Add filter".

3. Select "Receiving emails for" from the first drop-down menu. From the second drop-down menu, select "includes any of", "includes all of", or "includes none of".

Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 11.10.50 AM.png

Tip: If you want to see a list of readers who are only subscribed to one particular section, select "includes all of".

4. In the third drop-down menu, select the section which you'd like to see subscriber details for. Select "Apply" and a filtered list of subscribers will be generated.

Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 11.01.18 AM.png

If you'd like to send a targeted email to a section, follow these steps here.

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