How do I connect Google Analytics 4 to my Substack publication?

Connecting Google Analytics to Substack allows you to track page views, sign ups, and paid subscriptions.

How do I get started?

1. To start with Google Analytics, you’ll need to create an account and a property with a data stream.

You can find the complete steps including an instructional video on Google: [GA4] Set up Analytics for a website and/or app

2. After you've finished the setup or if you already have an account with a property, locate the Measurement ID (also known as a Google tag) associated with your property's data stream.

Step by step instructions with screenshots can be found on Google: [GA4] Find your Google tag ID

3. Navigate to your publication's Settings page and scroll to the Analytics section. Enter the measurement ID and click "Save".

Tip: The Google tag will usually start with "G-".

What happens next?

Events for page views, sign ups, and paid subscriptions should begin to show up in your Google Analytics account after 24 hours.

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