With the Substack Home page, you can gain valuable insights into your publication's health.
This launchpad offers a high-level overview of your Substack publication including subscriber growth and engagement, gross annualized revenue, recent post performance, and strategic guidance.
On your Home tab, you may see the following sections:
- Announcements
- Overview
- Latest post
- Drafts
- Recent posts
- Resources
In this guide, we'll focus on Overview and Recent Posts.
For all publications, this section will show your subscriber count, publication views, and open rate.
- All subscribers: The total number of free and paying subscribers on your list. The bottom number reflects the net change in the total number of subscribers in the last 30 days.
- 30-day views: The total number of post views in the last 30 days. The bottom number reflects the net change in total views from the previous 30 day period (60-30 days ago).
- 30-day open rate: The average open rate of posts in the last 30 days. The bottom number reflects the change from the average open rate during the previous 30 day period (60-30 days ago).
- Subscribers from app: Free and paid readers who subscribed directly from a Substack platform surface such as the mobile app, Notes, or the leaderboards.
If you have payments enabled on your Substack publication, you'll see additional data in the Overview.
- Paid subscribers: The total number of paying subscribers. The bottom number reflects the net change in the number of paying subscribers in the last 30 days.
- Gross annualized revenue: How much money you make per year based on annualizing current subscriptions. The bottom number reflects the change in GAR from 30 days ago.
Recent Posts
This section will show you view counts, recipients, and open rates for recently published posts– both paid and free.
- Views: The total number of times the post was viewed as an email, on the web, or in the Substack app.
- Recipients: The number of unique people who received an email or Substack app notification about this post.
- Open rate: The percentage of people who opened this post after receiving an email or Substack app notification about it. If one person opens your post five times, that counts as one open.
Things to note:
Drafts on the Home tab
Drafts on the Posts tab
- Want to see more details? Click on any data point or post on the Home page and you'll be directed to the corresponding metrics page or health summary of the post.
- Once you publish a post, you can view how it's performing in the Latest post section. Any new subscriptions that the post has generated, paid or free, will be displayed here.