How do I adjust my Chat notifications?

If you have Chat notifications enabled on the Substack app, you can receive push notifications when a reader replies in a thread, shares an image reply, reacts to a thread, or starts their own thread.


To turn off reply notifications for a specific Chat thread on the Substack app

If you don't want to receive push notifications about replies or reactions in a Chat thread, you can turn them off.

For authors:

On iOS, long press on your initial message and tap "Turn off notifications" so that it is grayed out.

On Android, tap into the thread and click on the activity bell at the top of the screen.

For readers:

On iOS, tap on a chat thread and tap "Turn off notifications".


On Android, tap on the activity bell at the top of a thread, and a confirmation that "reply notifications off" will apear.

To turn off Chat replies and reactions for all Substacks on the app

1. Tap your profile picture and select the gear icon at the bottom of your profile. In the Settings menu, tap Notifications, and click Chat & DMs.


2. On your Chat & DMs, make sure that the boxes are unchecked for each item listed in the Chat section. You will not receive any push notifications about Chat.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 5.26.45 PM.png

Learn more here on how to mute a publication's Chat.

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